3Spin live and mentioned on Pocket Gamer

On Wednesday 3Spin was finally being approved by AppStore. There was a last minute scare as the app actually got rejected by the reviewer. I had mentioned there to be ads in the game but I had turned off the Chartboost test ads and when the reviewer didn’t find them, the app got rejected (poor guy, I wonder how long he played the game for in hopes of finding the ads) but luckily he got back to me quickly and we got it resolved in like 15 minutes and the app was ready to go live. Newbie mistake!
I published the app on Tuesday night and immediately got some nice feedback on Twitter. I was excited to see the downloads in the morning and was very surprised to notice that the game had been mentioned in several gaming websites. The source for the news was no other than Pocket Gamer. This was extremely exciting as I didn’t even contact them beforehand. The article, ‘3Spin is a free reflex-based game about matching colors, on iOS now‘ was written by Chloi Rad and mostly touched the colorblind friendliness in the article, which seemed to be the focal point of most comments about the game. The game was described as either “colorblind friendly” or “hard” which I suppose are as good adjectives as any! I guess it really paid off adding those color selection options into the game.
The first full day brought almost 200 downloads which was a solid start. Getting the game noticed in the Arcade/Action categories seems to be quite difficult as those categories seem to have tons of games each day. However the numbers are still looking good and I’m thinking of ways to improve the game and the results.
Another nice thing that happened was that Jane Jones included 3Spin in one of her Youtube reviews again, check out how she did and make sure to subscribe to her channel!
One thing I’m really trying to learn about lately is ASO (App Store Optimisation) which includes all the things you do while submitting your app to the app store. I realised I have a lot to learn about writing descriptions, selecting screenshots and selecting keywords for my apps and I will be seeking for some help here with these questions and I will write about my learnings in future posts.