Developing a Localised Drinking Game for iOS
Drinking Game for iOS
While surfing through the Finnish App Store I noticed that there weren’t so many results with keywords for party game and drinking game for iOS so it made me think if it would be possible to perform well by targeting such a small market with such a small paid app by simply localising it. The game of waterfall has many names and is probably one of the best known drinking games involving a deck of cards and it is well known in Finland as “Vesiputous”. Since developing such an app wouldn’t take long, why not make one? Since Tinder became so big, a lot of open source libraries are mimicking the swipeable cards which would the perfect starting point for such an app. We decided to use ZLSwipeableViewSwift.
Quickly after launching it turned out that simply by localising the app in Finnish, including the app title, it was enough to lift the app to the top of the charts in paid apps on weekly basis. As funny it may sound, 8 sales a day was enough to get the app to the top 15 in all paid apps! So far 75% of the sales have been from Finland which has been enough to lift the app to the top of the paid downloads in the App Store on the weekends, which is not such a surprise considering the use case!
We are currently researching which other markets might not have much competition with these keywords and see if our waterfall app could top the charts on any other markets.
Check out Waterfall – The Drinking Game now!