RGB Smash goes live

I’ve been playing around with ideas of combining RGB colors for quite a while now and I was finally able to finalise a prototype that had been in my “drawer” for several months now. The basic premise of the app is quite simple, the game spawns lines from the top of the screen and you have to press buttons that match the same colors. The twist comes when the line colors are only available by combining the basic RGB (red, green, blue) values. Yellow lines require red+green, purple needs red+blue and cyan needs green+blue. Finally there are also white lines that require you to press (or swipe through) all the buttons. After every 10 lines, the game gets either Harder of Faster, making the game slowly harder and harder.
It was very satisfying to finally launch this game as it had been bugging me for months. In the end I was never happy with balancing the game and I tried out dozens of different methods in doing so. Finally I went for a very simple approach as it started to feel like I would never finish the game and I really wanted to move onto other projects. I’m quite happy with the end result and especially happy that it’s out now! RGB Smash is officially out on iOS.