Wedding Anniversaries list

When i was 18, I got the chance to be a best man at my best friend’s wedding. Now years later we were discussing wedding anniversaries and we tried to remember the traditional meanings for them. The anniversary names were originally created to provide guidance for appropriate gifts for the spouses to give each other. We were surprised how they were almost the same in all the countries and the little App Developers in our heads had to check out if there were solutions out there in the App Store to remember all these. Turns out, there are a TON of wedding and anniversary countdown apps out there, but none for remembering these traditional dates. So we figured, what better way to start 2016 than by creating a tiny app to help couples remember theirs.
A day later we had a working version of the app ready to be submitted. The app is extremely simple. The first view asks the users their wedding date and the following list view presents the user with all the anniversary dates, their names and how much time is left for this particular date. The app was promptly reviewed by Apple and is now available on the App Store.
For your interest, here is a list of all the wedding anniversaries in US and in many other countries as found from Wikipedia.
Wedding Anniversaries by years
1 year: Paper
2 years: Cotton
3 years: Leather
4 years: Linen
5 years: Wood
6 years: Iron
7 years: Wool/copper
8 years: Bronze
9 years: Pottery
10 years: Tin
11 years: Steel
12 years: Silk
13 years: Lace
14 years: Ivory
15 years: Crystal
20 years: China
24 years: Opal
25 years: Silver
30 years: Pearl
35 years: Coral
40 years: Ruby
45 years: Sapphire
50 years: Gold
55 years:Emerald
60 years: Diamond
65 years: Blue Sapphire
70 years: Platinum
75 years: Diamond/Gold
80 years: Oak
85 years: Moonstone
90 years: Granite